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September 12, 2019

Episode 279: Master Debater

Jake and Scott take the stage and debate the greatest issues facing Birdland. Jovial Jay Shepard lends a hand as the shock collar comes out.
August 26, 2019

Episode 277: Fall Cleaning

After a week away, they guys settle back into old routines: experieincing the existential dread of Orioles fandom. But, hey: at least the uniforms were weird?
August 12, 2019

Episode 276: You Said WHAT?!

After taking a week off, we can tell you this: this team, man. It's really something. Getting beat up from within and without, they're still bad.
May 27, 2019

Episode 268: Move the Party

We look at Orioles baseball through the lens of Pokemon Go('s), and try to find ways to bring the party to the ballpark. Oh, and there were games played this week, too.
April 29, 2019

Episode 265: BBSB

Will you join us in our support of the BBSB? Also, we say nice things about Chris Davis before we lose the chance.
April 15, 2019

Episode 264: This Season Is Taxing

The tax deadline has come and gone, but whether you owe or not, you must agree that this Orioles season - like Orioles fandom - has become very taxing.